Congratulations on your home university nominating you as an exchange student to the University of Minnesota Duluth! Now it is time to complete and submit application materials to officially apply to UMD.
If you are interested in studying at UMD but have not been accepted by your home university, visit your university’s international office for details.
1. Application
Follow the Application Instructions for Exchange Students to submit your application.
This application will be used to generate your immigration paperwork and must match your passport. If you do not go by your given name, you can indicate your preferred name in the appropriate space.
English language proficiency will not be required for students coming from UMD exchange partner institutions.
2. Financial Certification Statement
You are responsible for demonstrating that you have sufficient funds to meet all educational and personal expenses for the duration of your F-1 status at the University. You must submit this form via your online application before the University of Minnesota will accept you and issue you an I-20.
3. Class Request Form
Choose classes carefully. Once you have submitted your selections, changes will not be possible until after you arrive on campus.
Indicate the individual classes you would like to take on the UMD Class Request Google Form. Choose from a variety of classes within or outside of your area of study.
Exchange students are eligible for undergraduate courses in levels between 1xxx-5xxx, as long as you meet prerequisite requirements. Make sure you check with your home university to see how the classes you take at UMD will count towards your degree.
You must enroll in a minimum of 12 credits at UMD. Full-time enrollment during a term ranges from 12-16 credits. Note: the terms “class” and “course” are interchangeable at UMD.
Finding Classes
Search for available classes by using the online Schedule Builder. Select the Duluth campus and the term you will be studying at UMD. Along the left-hand side, under “Explore”, click on ‘Subjects’ to browse for classes by subject areas. It’s important to consider prerequisites, credit amounts, and the days and times of each class. More detailed instructions are listed on the class request form. Class selections cannot be guaranteed.
Some classes may have fees associated with them. When selecting a specific class, be aware of additional fees. Course fee details can be found at OneStop. Course fees will be automatically billed to your UMD account. Course fees not relevant towards your degree will need to be paid by you.
We strongly recommend you consider taking COMM 3535: Intercultural Communication to aid your cultural understanding and growth while studying at UMD. If you choose to enroll in COMM 3535, the associated course fee will be paid on your behalf by the Study Abroad office, even if it does not pertain to your major.
Collegiate fees, some student service fees, course fees relevant toward your degree, and computer lab fees are paid for by UMD.
4. On-Campus Housing
If you wish to live on campus, further housing application instructions will be given via email after you have been officially accepted.
We encourage exchange students to live on campus. It's a great way to meet people, not to mention the provided with furnished accommodation. Almost all exchange students elect to live on campus.
Housing at UMD is consists of dormitories (dorms) and apartments. Students living in the dorms are required to purchase a meal plan for the Superior Dining Center. If you are not in the dorms, you can still purchase meals via Dining Services.
Be aware of the check-in (exchange student arrival dates) and check-out dates for on-campus housing when making your travel plans. During your last term at UMD, you must be checked out of on-campus housing by the last day of finals. Plan your departure accordingly.
Apartments offer shared rooms with cooking facilities, a shared bathroom, some furniture, and wireless internet shared with 3 other UMD students. These are recommended for a more independent living arrangement that allows you to cook for yourself.
Residence Halls
Residence halls,also known as dormitories (or dorms), offer shared rooms with no kitchen access, some furniture, and wireless internet. Bathroom facilities are shared amongst everyone on the same floor. Most dorms are for two students. The residence halls are connected to the university which allows students to move from their room to their classes without going outside. This is an advantage in the wintertime!
Off-Campus Accommodation
You may live off-campus if you choose, but our office doesn’t provide support or guidance. Housing options can be found via UMD’s website for off-campus housing. Once you have secured housing, notify our office of your off-campus address. Make sure to indicate you will live off-campus on your application.