After You Return

Cropped photo of shoes

Welcome Back!

The UMD Study Abroad office understand the challenges of returning home after your time abroad. We're here to support you as you readjust to life in the U.S. Visit us when you return to campus; we love hearing about your experiences and discussing any concerns you may have.

Your feedback helps us improve our programs and offers valuable advice to future students. All UMD study abroad participants receive a survey after their program. Thank you in advance for your input!

Reverse Culture Shock

Before going abroad, you knew your life would change. However, returning home might be harder than expected. Readjusting to life back home can be more challenging than adjusting to life abroad because you now see it through different eyes.

Reverse culture shock is the unexpected challenge of returning to the familiar. Remember that life at home continued while you were away. Take time to readjust slowly. You may think differently about the U.S. and reflect on the differences between it and your host country. Friends and family may show interest in your stories and photos but might not fully understand your experiences. Expect some degree of reverse culture shock. For more information, visit StudentsAbroad.

Photo & Video Contest

UMD Study Abroad Photo Contest Exhibit Logo

Enter the annual UMD Study Abroad Photo Contest. Submit your best photos from your travels abroad. The top photos are displayed in the UMD Northern Shores Coffee shop and winners are awarded prizes! Watch your email and check our social media for info on the next contest.

Study Abroad Ambassador Program

The Study Abroad Ambassador Program lets you share your adventures and promote study abroad to future students, faculty, and staff. It's a chance to stay connected with your experience and grow personally and professionally. Look out for an email after you return, or email us at [email protected] with your name, email, major, program name, and term(s) abroad to learn more.

Work in the UMD Study Abroad Office

UMD Study Abroad employs study abroad alumni to work as Peer Advisors. Your stories and experiences abroad are invaluable for recruiting and advising study abroad students. Watch your email and student employment listings for job openings.

Career Services

Visit Career Services to learn how to incorporate your experience abroad in résumés and interviews. Move beyond simply listing “study abroad” on your resume and learn how to showcase skills such as leadership, adaptability, confidence, self-reliance, and intercultural aptitude in future applications and interviews. Learn how study abroad can help develop your career path!

International Community at UMD

Opportunities to engage with the international community at UMD exist through the Office of International Student Services.

  • UMD International Club is a student organization that provides all students with the opportunity to better understand and participate in different cultures. The club offers numerous activities throughout the year and allows students to hold various positions within the club.
  • The International Student Mentor program is designed to assist incoming degree-seeking international students at UMD to better adapt to a new environment and academic system. Think back to how you felt when you first arrived in the country where you studied abroad.

Go Abroad Again!

Check out other programs offered by our office. It is absolutely possible to participate in another program while attending UMD! If you've graduated, Go Overseas: Programs Abroad or volunteer opportunities such as Peace Corps, internships, and graduate schools abroad are other ways to continue to further your international education and experience.  

Order a Study Abroad Graduation Sash

Nathan Cassanova - UMD Study Abroad Alumni with Study Abroad Graduation Sash showcasing Germany
Nathan Casanova sporting his graduation sash recognizing his time studying abroad in Germany

International Programs & Services congratulates all of our study abroad graduates. We are excited to offer you the opportunity to purchase a graduation sash recognizing your UMD study abroad experience! The sash will feature the flag of the country in which you studied abroad. 

You can order your sash directly from Vision Wear. Use code "UMDuluth2024 " for free shipping to our office, and we will notify you via your University email when it is ready to be picked up. 

All orders for free shipping must be received by midnight on April 7, 2024, and you must use your email address to order. The estimated arrival is the week of April 24th. To receive your sash in time for graduation, we encourage you to order it at least a month in advance. If you have any questions, email us at [email protected].

> Order your study abroad sash